(Currently Rome TTT Course)
This page will eventually have information about training sessions in Kazakhstan. For now, however, it has some handouts and activities for the upcoming leader trainings to be held in Rome in January, 2008.
The training assistants in Rome should download all of the documents from this page and make copies for training. For the handouts, I would suggest making one copy per person attending each training, plus one for me, the instructor. I may also list, if I have time, some of the activity handouts.
I recommend that these handouts be collated in the order in which they appear in the document and either stapled or bound together. These handouts do not cover all of the topics of the course and are not substitutes for actually attending the course. The handouts should not be given out in advance of the course nor to people who are not taking the course. They are meant to supplement the training and help reinforce the concepts presented during the course.
*Note If you need a FREE Adobe Acrobat reader, go to this website: Adobe® Acrobat Free Reader
Look for new handouts here until I leave for Rome. The handouts for the BVT and Daisy, Brownie, & Junior PALs are currently those for Singapore. I'll put the revised handouts in red when I upload them and mention the date and time of the update here. December 6, 2007
Training Attendance Record
(I have to turn in one sheet to NY for each training and each day of multiple day trainings. Please print 8 copies of this, just in case that many are needed.)
Basic Volunteer Training
(All "new" leaders, assistant leaders, and interested other volunteers and parents who have not taken a Basic Leader/Volunteer Training course should take this course. It's the one training where you can get a good overview. I recommend that all of the leaders who live in Rome take this class, if they can. Topics covered include Girl Scout philosophy, traditions, methodology, Girl/Adult partnerships, recordkeeping, forms, flag cermonies, setup of USAGSO, planning the GS year and more.)
(Please make 1 copy of this for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator. Please collate the booklets and staple.)
Basic Volunteer Training Handout
(These sheets are activities for the training. Please print 6 copies of each sheet, but don't put them in the handout.)
GS Activites at various age levels
Developmental Characteristic of girls
(These sheets are activities for the training. Please print 1 copy for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator. Don't put these in the handout, and keep each handout separate - do not collate.)
Safety Wise Answer Hunt Game
Safety Wise Answer Hunt Game Answers
Safety Wise Chart
Safety Wise Slider Activity
Blank Planning Calendar - horizontal
Blank Planning Calendar - vertical
Activity - Learning the Lingo
Answers for Learning the Lingo activity
(Make 2 copies for reference at the training - can make more later if GS leaders want them.)
International Friendship Recognition
Lady B-P International Friendship Award
Lady B-P International Friendship Award - Form to ask permission to earn award
Adult Awards needing USAGSO approval
Daisy Age Level Training
Download the files below for the Daisy Training handout:
(Please make 1 copy of this for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator. Please collate the booklets and staple.)
Dasiy Age Level cover
Daisy Age Level Training Handout
(These sheets are activities for the training. Please print 1 copy for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator. Don't put these in the handout, and keep each handout separate - do not collate.)
Activity for Daisy Training - Resource Answer Hunt
(Make 1 copy for reference at the training - can make more later if GS leaders want them.)
Daisies - Girl Scout Law Coloring Book
Daisy Petal Project Ideas
Planning a Daisy Meeting & First 5 meetings
Brownie Age Level Training
Download the files below for the Brownie Training handout:
(Please make 1 copy of this for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator. Please collate the booklets and staple.)
Brownie Age Level cover
Brownie Age Level Training Handout
(These are in the handout, but please make 1 copy of this for each person to use in an activity during class)
Brownie Try-It Planner
Brownie Troop Meeting Planner
(These sheets are activities for the training. Please print 1 copy for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator. Don't put these in the handout, and keep each handout separate - do not collate.)
Are the Brownies OK? Activity
(Make 2 copies for reference at the training - can make more later if GS leaders want them.)
Brownie Try-It Recordkeeping Sheet
Susie Self Esteem Story
Junior Age Level Training
(Here is the basis of the handout, but you'll need to add quite a few things to it - note additions below.)
(Please make 1 copy of this for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator. Please collate the booklets and staple.)
Junior Age Level cover
Junior Age Level Training Handout
(Add these next 12 files starting at page 12, after the "Junior Badge Summary" page, and before the "Parts of a Meeting" page.)
Addition 1 to Junior Training Handout - Individual Girl Junior Badge Record
Addition 2 to Junior Training Handout - Bronze Award Progress Chart
Addition 3 to Junior Training Handout - Bronze Award Time Log
Addition 4 to Junior Training Handout - Sign of the Star Record
Addition 5 to Junior Training Handout - Sign of the Rainbow Record
Addition 6 to Junior Training Handout - Sign of the Sun Record
Addition 7 to Junior Training Handout - Sign of the World Record
Addition 8 to Junior Training Handout - Junior Leadership Award Record
Addition 9 to Junior Training Handout - Junior Aide Award Record
Addition 10 to Junior Training Handout - Junior Service & Leadership Time Log
Addition 11 to Junior Training Handout - Junior Badge Planner
Addition 12 to Junior Training Handout - Troop Crests Handout
(This is the final addition to the handout. The rest of the handout, starting with "Parts of a Meeting", and ending with the evaluation, should be placed after the 12 additions.)
(These are in the handout, but please make 1 copy of this for each person to use in an activity during class)
Junior Badge Planner
Junior Troop Meeting Planner
(These sheets are activities for the training. Please print 1 copy for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator. Don't put these in the handout, and keep each handout separate - do not collate.)
Junior Resource Answer Hunt
(Make 2 copies for reference at the training - can make more later if GS leaders want them.)
Who Is Really The Leader? Game
USAGSO's Bronze Award Guide
Girls 11-17 Age Level Training
Still working on handouts for this, as there have been some fairly recent changes and new things - I'll upload that separately in a few days.
(Make 1 copy for reference at the training - can make more later if GS leaders want them.)
USAGSO's Silver Award Guide
USAGSO's Gold Award Guide
Outdoor Training
(We can't do an entire outdoor training in the time we have and my handout is HUGE, so here are just a few of the "good bits" that we will probably use.... make 2 copies of each to start with and we'll decide when I get to Rome which parts we'll really teach.)
8 Basic Skills Handout
Girl Readiness Handout
Knots Handout
Knots Handout 2
Knife Safety Handout
Compass Handout
Edible Fire Handout
Fires & Fire Starters Handout
Outdoor Cooking Methods Handout
Group Cooking Amount Chart
Outdoor Cooking - Master Recipe for One Pot Ground Beef Based Meals
Outdoor Cooking Dutch Oven Briquette Temperature Chart
Outdoor Kapers Handout
Homemade Outdoor Equipment Handout
Fable of Troop 500
Synergy Games Training
Synergy Games Handout
(Make 1 copy of this for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator)
Synergy Games Activity
(Make 1 copy of this for each participant in training, plus 1 copy for each facilitator)
(This is already in the handout, but we need a copy for each person to use during the training for the actual activity.)
Other Downloads for the Rome TTT Training
The main page for the Rome trainings can be found at:
Rome TTT
Part 1 can be found at:
Rome TTT Book part 1
Part 2 can be found at:
Rome TTT Book part 2
and the handouts are at:
Rome TTT handouts
Rome Program Age Level handouts and misc.
Copyright © 2004-2007 By USAGSO - Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Last Modified December 6, 2007